Susan Waruhiu is a Program Coordinator based in Nairobi, Kenya. Susan began working for Landesa in 2022.
What brought you to Landesa?
My first interaction with Landesa was through the Stand for Her Land Campaign. I am a strong advocate of Keynesian theory, hence, having witnessed and been involved in the positive outcomes of well-structured and implemented laws in the business world, I was eager and thrilled by the prospect of generating a similar impact involving land—a natural, finite, and productive resource—and more importantly, having this impact realized in rural areas.
What inspires your work?
When it comes to processes and finding solutions, I tend to be industrious, with particular focus on efficiency. I also believe in being meticulous and thoroughly exploring options in the context of each situation. As a Program Coordinator, I get to apply these skill sets, which removes this burden from technical staff, allowing them to focus their efforts on achieving Landesa’s objectives.
What work at Landesa makes you particularly proud?
Landesa’s approach to land rights for rural women and men not only empowers them about their rights but goes beyond knowledge to support communities better themselves. By rebuilding trust among members, Landesa equips them with the capacity to support themselves when the intervention ends. This is evident through improved farming methods that not only expand economic opportunities for the communities but are also climate resilient and preserve cultural practices, particularly among marginalized communities.
Describe your vision for a better world.
A world where land conflicts are almost nonexistent would be an ideal/better world. This can only be achieved when women and men have equal rights to inheritance/inherited land across the world, but particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.