Ayman Soliman is a Global Advocacy Program Officer based in Washington, D.C. Ayman began working for Landesa in 2022.
What brought you to Landesa?
Landesa’s and the Center for Women’s Land Rights’ mission and the opportunity to be a part of a global movement for women’s land rights. Coming from an advocacy, movement-building, and gender justice background, Landesa seemed to be a perfect fit where I can use my experience and learn new intersections between land, climate, and economic empowerment.
What inspires your work?
The chance and privilege to have a long-lasting impact at a global and national level. The work being done by my colleagues from changing social norms at grassroots levels to influencing global frameworks at the highest levels. All our work complements each other and it’s a privilege to be part of it.
What work at Landesa makes you particularly proud?
I am proud to be part of the Stand for Her Land (S4HL) Campaign and all the work that goes into it.
Describe your vision for a better world.
A world free from all forms of violence, where cultural differences are understood and respected, and the power is with the people.