Landesa’s work is founded on the core principle that secure rights to land have the power to lift women, men, their families, and communities out of poverty. For more than 50 years, we’ve put that principle to the test in more than 50 countries around the world, along the way strengthening land rights for more than 130 million families. In that time, we’ve learned that gender-responsive land rights can be an especially powerful tool for women.
Unfortunately, in more than half the countries in the world, women encounter legal and customary barriers to their land rights. This gender gap prevents millions of women from reaching their full potential. Together, we can close this gap. At the 2018 Trust Conference, Dr. Monica Mhoja, Landesa’s Tanzania Program Director, invited attendees to join a global campaign that has the power and potential to close the gap between law and practice that is preventing women from realizing equal rights to property, land and resources. Along with its founding partners, including the World Bank, Habitat for Humanity and others, Landesa aims to empower millions of women around the world to assert those rights over the course of the next decade.
Join the Campaign NowWitness our call-to-action — watch the video or read our blog, Closing the Gap on Women’s Land Rights, to learn more about this emerging campaign.