This video was debuted at Landesa’s 2022 Seed the Change gala.
This video was debuted at Landesa’s 2022 Seed the Change gala.
Secure land rights are central to unlocking the potential of youth around the world; to activating a new generation of agricultural innovators and empowered young women.
New blog on girls’ inheritance rights in India; Ms. Magazine interviews Landesa leaders; Meet Khadija Mrisho.
This report provides a set of clear, in-depth recommendations to the Liberia Land Authority on improving women’s participation in community-level land governance in the implementation of the Land Rights Act (LRA) passed in 2018. These recommendations are based on learnings from primary qualitative research conducted on forest governance structures at 4 case study sites in 3 counties of Liberia on the implementation of community forestry governance bodies.
In a framework of economy of individual property, inheritance is one of the most common ways to access and own land, property and resources. However, women’s rights to inherit land are often mediated by an overlapping web of legal, structural, socioeconomic, and cultural factors. This paper explores the legal complexities related to inheritance of agricultural land by women in India.
This report details findings from a mixed-methods evaluation of the SABLA-Kanyashree program conducted by Landesa between February and June 2018.
Landesa’s Girls Project seizes upon an opportunity to help adolescent girls to build knowledge and establish a foundation of empowerment that can stay with them throughout adulthood.