New blog on the cumulative benefits of land ownership; Program highlight from Tanzania; Landesa in the Seattle Times.
This newsletter was sent on Oct 13, 2022
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Land Tenure: A cross-cutting solution for poverty, climate change, and women’s rights

By Esther Mwaura-Muiru, Global Advocacy Director

A group of women in Bangladesh wearing colorful clothes are smiling and dropping a handful of grain into a large container.
In Bangladesh, Stand for Her Land lead partner ALRD is working to change cultural perceptions about women’s land rights. Photo by ALRD

As an economic asset, land is the cornerstone of rural economies. As a place for growing food, it is indispensable. And as a means for promoting opportunity and gender equity for millions of rural women, it is a waypoint on our journey to save the planet. Moreover, secure land rights for women and girls are fundamental rights that guarantee their identity and heritage. This week, as we observe International Rural Women’s Day (Oct. 15), World Food Day (Oct. 16), and the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (Oct. 17), it’s crucial to note that land is the foundation for all three.

If we want to improve lives and alleviate poverty, achieve food security globally, and guarantee human rights and full dignity for all, we must invest in land rights for women.

Worldwide, more than 80 percent of people experiencing extreme poverty live in rural areas and rely on agriculture to earn a living, farming small plots of land for subsistence and perhaps a modest income. At least half are women. Equipped with secure land rights, these women have the opportunity and peace of mind to invest in their land to improve their harvests and their lives.

The Stand for Her Land campaign (S4HL) is working at the global and grassroots levels to increase awareness, generate resources, build capacity, and change mindsets about the relationship between women and land. With coalitions in six countries across sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Latin America, S4HL is truly a global campaign, with impact felt in the everyday lives of women and girls.



A line of people are coming up to a table to sign their land certificates.

MUFINDI, TANZANIA — In September, Landesa helped the Mufindi District Council issue over 2,000 Certificates of Customary Rights of Occupancy (CCROs) to customary landowners in two villages.

Landesa Tanzania supported the process both financially and technically by facilitating training for community members and local council officers. By using a gender equality and social inclusion approach, we ensured that more than 45% of the CCROs were issued to women either jointly or individually.

Landesa in the news

A view of Seattle with a thick smoky haze that partially blocks the sun.

Photo from Seattle Times / Getty Images

The Seattle Times logo

Lifting the fog on climate change: Complex impacts need complex solutions
Climate Change Program Director Rachel McMonagle is featured in a Seattle Times article about the importance of multi-pronged, systemic solutions to address the impacts of climate change.

IPP Media logo

Stakeholders want government to ‘stand for land campaign’
Land tenure specialist Masalu Luhula is quoted in an article about protecting women’s land rights in the face of land-based investments in Tanzania.

Nation logo

The rise and rise of African feminists’ movements
The Stand for Her Land campaign was profiled by The Nation in a piece about current movements in Africa to safeguard women’s rights.

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