New Infographic and Call-to-Action Examine the Link Between Land Rights
and Climate Change
Climate change is a persistent and significant threat to lives and livelihoods around the globe. Perhaps no group is more deeply impacted than the world's smallholder farmers. Soil erosion, rising temperatures and cataclysmic weather events have a disproportionate impact on rural women and men, most of whom rely on agriculture to survive. But with more secure land rights, small farmers can be more resilient and become better environmental stewards.
A companion call to action further examines the ways in which climate change impacts women and the ways securing women's land rights can help us achieve a more sustainable planet.
West Bengal and Landesa Partner to Strengthen Women's Land Rights
| An English translation of the land rights leaflet distributed to 18,000 women in West Bengal. |
The government of West Bengal provided 18,000 representatives from women's self-help groups with critical new land literacy tools created by Landesa. The leaflets help women, who often live in communities in which there are few, if any, women landowners, understand the concept and the benefits of secure land rights. The representatives will use the leaflets for their own educational and empowerment efforts, ensuring that these land literacy tools reach an exponentially greater number of women.
This year, 2.3 million women and men gained more secure land rights through Landesa's partnerships. We invite you to meet just a few of them in our 2015 Annual Report. You'll read about a family's pride in being able to send their daughter to school for the first time, and about a husband and wife's joint land title, which helped increase their harvests and profits and allowed them to purchase healthcare for their entire family.
Thomson Reuters published a blog by Landesa calling for women's land rights to be incorporated into our response to climate change.

Ford Foundation published a blog about Landesa being awarded the Hilton Humanitarian Prize.
The Times of India quoted Landesa in its reporting on the potential of land rights to economically empower Indian women.
Odisha Sun Times reported on a land tenure consultation program organized by Landesa.
Seattle Pacific University named Landesa Co-Founder & Senior Advisor Tim Hanstad its 2016 Alumnus of the Year, and published a profile of Tim and his work in the SPU Response magazine.