Landesa's partner, the state government of Odisha, India, has launched a historic survey to identify and count every landless
Photo by Deborah Espinosa
family, including women-headed households, in the state. It will follow up this survey by allotting each landless family a small plot of land. Landesa conducted multiple trainings and consultations with the government in advance of the survey, with an emphasis on including single women in the count. Landless single women -- whether unmarried, divorced, or widowed -- often go uncounted by the government. Recognizing these women is a critical step in connecting them to the resources needed to secure stronger land rights.
According to census data, there are more than 1 million women-headed households in Odisha and approximately 4.6 million landless families in Odisha. Landesa began its partnership with the government of Odisha in 2009.
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