Learn more about Pinaki Halder, the National Director of Programs in India. Pinaki began working for Landesa in 2011.
New blogs on gendered language and reproductive justice; Meet summer intern Melissa Padilla; How to make a planned gift.
Melissa interned with Landesa’s Center for Women’s Land Rights this summer. She supported the Stand for Her Land Campaign and co-authored an article examining the parallels between reproductive rights and women’s land rights.
Alongside fellow Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize recipients, Landesa's Chris Jochnick and Shipra Deo discuss how humanitarian organizations can build resilience to address emerging crises.
In the fourth episode of Responsible Land Investment: A Practitioner’s Podcast, Megan talks with fellow Landesans Shipra Deo and Pinaki Halder about their work to break social norms and support women’s inclusion in the potato supply chain of an international food and beverage company.