Press & MediaWhat’s New

Wall Street Journal Cites Landesa Research

October 19, 2012 -- The Wall Street Journal references Landesa in the article, "China Faces Tough Choice on Growth" regarding compensation farmers receive from their land being expropriated. The article was also the lead story in the WSJ China edition, elevating the importance of land rights in China.

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October 19, 2012

Issue Brief: Women’s Secure Rights to Land

October 17, 2012 -- Women make up 43% of the agricultural labor force in developing countries, yet many don’t have secure rights to the land they farm. Our new issue brief illustrates the benefits of secure rights to land for women and their households, the barriers they face, and recommendations for strengthening those land rights.

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October 17, 2012

Communication technology broadcasts land rights message across West Bengal

October 9, 2012 -- Landesa's team in West Bengal, India, is now using satellite communication technology to train officials who work in poor and remote areas on the front lines of India’s battle against poverty.

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October 09, 2012

Landesa Center for Women’s Land Rights Celebrates its Third Anniversary

October 1, 2012 -- This month marks the third anniversary of Landesa's Center for Women's Land Rights. Here's a look at past, present and future programs and their impact.

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October 04, 2012

1-minute video shows the impact of micro-plots

September 26, 2012 -- Since 2007, Landesa has partnered with state governments in India to help more than 200,000 families receive secure rights to micro-plots -- land parcels the size of a tennis court that can help provide a way out for families in India who have been stuck for generations within the poverty cycle.

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September 26, 2012