From "Solutions Inside Out," a short documentary from Victor Njagi and Landesa follows a young widow in Tanzania who discovers the power and potential to change her life and protect the planet – in the land beneath her feet.
Meet Shyamal Kumar Jana, Landesa’s Program Manager based in Kolkata, India. Shyamal began working for Landesa in 2011.
Meet Tatiana Gumucio, Landesa’s Sr. Research & Evaluation Specialist based in Washington, D.C. Tatiana began working for Landesa in 2022.
Dr. Ohnmar Myo Aung, Landesa Director of Program Coordination - Myanmar Program, has been awarded the Saul A. Silverman Award from the International Organization Development Association in recognition of her support for land reform within the high-conflict context of Myanmar.
Meet Yidamno Wesley, Landesa’s Talking Books Coordinator based in Monrovia, Liberia. Yidamno began working for Landesa in 2022.