Press & MediaWhat’s New

Virtual trainings strengthen land rights for millions of women

Despite ongoing lockdown measures, our India team has completed two major virtual trainings on women’s land rights for hundreds of government officials over the last month. By switching to remote trainings, we can continue making progress on strengthening women’s land rights and scaling reforms with our government partners across the country.

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October 13, 2020

Staff Spotlight: Mar Mar Wai

Read more about Daw Mar Mar Wai, Landesa's Regional Program Manager based in Ayeyarwady, Myanmar.

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October 13, 2020

By Addressing Gaps in Youth Land Rights, Tanzania can Transform its Agriculture Sector

A new report by Landesa Tanzania identifies gaps and provides recommendations for strengthening youth access and rights to land in Tanzania.

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September 22, 2020

Remembering Bill Gates, Sr.

In Bill Gates, Sr., the world found an unparalleled advocate in the struggle for equality, justice, and prosperity for all.

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September 16, 2020

September Plotlines: A historic ruling for the daughters of India

Evidence links land rights and biodiversity conservation; Historic Supreme Court ruling in India; Intern Spotlight on Itael Kimaro.

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September 10, 2020