ResourcesWomen’s Land Rights

This Learning Brief, co-authored with Parliamentary Centre of Asia, highlights findings from a baseline survey and qualitative assessments Landesa’s local partners carried out in five Community Fisheries (CFis) in Cambodia that are part of a Coastal Livelihoods and Mangroves project. The brief describes gender dynamics in CFi participation and management, notes root causes of inequities related to social norms and local beliefs, and provides insights into effective interventions and pathways for strengthening CFis, livelihoods, and mangrove ecosystem health through gender equality.

As research on the nexus of land tenure security and climate grows, a more fine-tuned focus on tenure security for whom is needed to assess emerging evidence that women’s land tenure security (WLTS) can be an important lever for enhanced climate change mitigation and adaptation. To this end, we reviewed relevant empirical evidence to ascertain how WLTS affects climate change mitigation and adaptation. Our review seeks to further clarify the significance of women’s land tenure security to climate change mitigation and adaptation, inform Landesa and partners’ climate advocacy, and provide guidance to partners in data generation.

From “Solutions Inside Out,” a short documentary from Victor Njagi and Landesa follows a young widow in Tanzania who discovers the power and potential to change her life and protect the planet – in the land beneath her feet.

Although existing evidence points to meaningful linkages between land tenure and climate change, findings can fail to critically consider whose land tenure security, decisions, and practices contribute to key climate change outcomes, and how. Enhanced understanding of the complex and critical connections between women’s land tenure security and climate can advance our knowledge of the investments and planning needed to mitigate climate change and achieve more resilient futures.

Land rights for women flips the script of gendered power—it challenges patriarchy at its root, by fundamentally changing women’s economic, social, and political status. And key to climate action, research shows efforts to protect biodiversity and address climate change are more successful when women have strong land rights.