This paper highlights how people-centric land governance examples have improved land administration, making it more efficient and effective.
This paper highlights how people-centric land governance examples have improved land administration, making it more efficient and effective.
This paper shares successes and challenges in in communicating about complex property rights issues with a non-technical development audience.
Lease farming by landless women in Kerala and Andhra Pradesh shows a pathway for reducing their poverty and enabling upward social mobility. However, agricultural tenancy laws in most states in India either prohibit or restrict land leasing, making tenancy a concealed and less secure arrangement.
In 2012, Landesa and the government of West Bengal, India, entered an innovative partnership aimed at using land to reduce risks facing rural adolescent girls, including poverty, malnutrition, lack of education, and early marriage. This paper addresses pilot project features including girls groups, peer leader methodologies, community engagement, a land rights and land-based livelihoods curriculum, and partnerships with government stakeholders.
January 2014 — In rural areas from East Asia to Sub-Saharan Africa, women …
This study analyzing the impact of the Girls Project, a pilot program designed and implemented by a partnership between the Indian government and Landesa, has found that participating girls are more likely to: stay in school longer, marry later, inherit land, and have an economic asset in their name.
Landesa conducted a project jointly with UN WOMEN last year to study a national project of the Indian government for empowerment of women farmers. As a result of that research, these case studies capture five good practices in the domain of women in agriculture.
NOVEMBER 2013 — Landesa conducted a project jointly with UN WOMEN last year …
In rural India, women do a majority of the agricultural labor, yet often have no legal right or control to the land they farm. A new study conducted by Landesa India for UN Women set out to discover the barriers to women’s land rights.
This paper details and assesses National Land Policy development process in Uganda, and in so doing, examines its potential to be the source of lessons for other countries developing politically sensitive policy reforms.