2024 World Bank Land Conference Resources
Coastal Livelihoods and Mangroves Project
Alongside local partners, Landesa is addressing laws and policies regarding forest tenure, land use planning, and climate mitigation and adaptation with the six countries forming a contiguous stretch of bioregion from West Bengal, India to West Papua, Indonesia.
Read the Brochure
Women-Led Collective Advocacy for Climate Action
Learn more about our project to strengthen and sustain the capacity of networked, women-driven civil society organizations in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Maldives to advance local climate resilience, effective advocacy at all levels of governance, and gender-equitable land rights.
Read the 2-Pager
Women's Land Tenure Security & Climate Change
Enhanced understanding of the complex and critical connections between women’s land tenure security and climate can advance our knowledge of the investments and planning needed to mitigate climate change and achieve more resilient futures.
Read the Evidence Brief
Land Rights and Climate Justice
At Landesa, we leverage land rights as a powerful tool to support resilient environments and thriving communities. Explore our work growing the path to climate justice through land rights.
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Introduction to the Stand for Her Land Campaign
Stand for Her Land is a global advocacy initiative working to close the “implementation gap” for WLR: the gulf between the strong laws, policies, and standards already in place to protect women’s rights to land from international to national levels, and the recognition of those rights in practice at the local level.
Read the 2-pager
Find us at the World Bank Land Conference
Check out a list of events that Landesa is participating in at the 2024 World Bank Land Conference.
View the List