Building climate resilience through land rights


Secure land rights can directly enhance both climate mitigation and adaptation by creating the conditions and incentives for people to invest in their land. Landesa has strengthened land rights for hundreds of millions of people over decades.

Faced with worsening climate change, we have deepened our commitment to advancing land-based solutions to build climate resilience and ensure a secure future for people and the planet. The climate crisis is complex and urgent. In response, Landesa engages at multiple levels of governance: advocating to elevate climate change in global frameworks and sectoral norms, integrating climate action into national policies, and incorporating climate resilience into local activities. The knowledge we glean at each level informs our work on other levels, creating a unified path to climate justice.


Project Highlights

The expertise our team brings allows us to work across contexts, weaving a multi-layered web of climate resilience. Explore examples of our work below, and reach out to find out how you can partner with us to advance climate justice.
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Prioritizing land rights in global climate agendas

Sustainable management of land is foundational to the goals of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, and the Convention on Biological Diversity. Landesa partners with these three multilateral bodies to elevate land tenure discourse and include land tenure as a climate mitigation and adaptation strategy across the Rio Conventions.


Securing land tenure in climate-sensitive environments

Landesa secures land rights for communities stewarding critical carbon sinks and biodiversity hotspots like mangroves, rainforests, and peatlands to protect these ecosystems from corporate interests and unjust land grabs. By preserving and restoring these landscapes, we support positive outcomes for conservation, livelihoods, and climate mitigation alike.

Strengthening land tenure for climate actors

The rights and expertise of Indigenous Peoples, women, and youth are central to effective climate action. Landesa partners with governments and local organizations to offer resources and community trainings for forest management, agroforestry, and climate-smart agriculture. With both strong rights to land and adaptation skills, communities can maximize their land’s potential for climate mitigation and resilience, strengthening livelihoods and ecological health.

Supporting climate-smart business practices

Companies can be powerful agents for climate action in shifting sectoral standards to advance sustainable practices that prioritize local community rights and environmental health.

In our corporate engagement work on land rights, Landesa is exploring best practices for companies seeking to invest in low-emission technologies, build climate resilience within their value chains, and support the local communities engaged in their land acquisitions. For market-based instruments like carbon markets and payments for ecosystem services, land rights are foundational to smallholders receiving due benefits.