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Explore the connection between land rights and climate justice


Land Rights, Climate Change, and Environmental Stewardship

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Vanishing Land: Climate Change, Slow-Onset Disasters, and Land Rights

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Secure Land Rights: A Tool for Strengthening Food Security and Climate Resilience in the Global South

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Featured Resources


Land rights for women flips the script of gendered power—it challenges patriarchy at its root, by fundamentally changing women’s economic, social, and political status. And key to climate action, research shows efforts to protect biodiversity and address climate change are more successful when women have strong land rights.

Read the Women and Dirt Fact Sheet →


As carbon markets take center stage, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities' land and resource rights must be secured to protect people and planet. Landesa is uniquely positioned to do just that.

Read the Landesa & Carbon Markets 2-pager →



Women Gaining Ground: Securing Land Rights as a Critical Pillar of Climate Change Strategy

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Land Tenure as a Critical Consideration for Climate Change-Related Displacement in Slow-Onset Disaster Zones

Read the Issue Brief

Progress towards SDG Land Degradation Restoration Commitments


Progress towards SDG Land Rights Commitments


Land Rights for People in Rural Areas Can Improve Forest Management, Halt Deforestation

Read the policy brief

Land Rights Matter for People and the Planet UNCCD Awareness-Raising Options Paper

Read the paper


Field Focus Blog

To Safeguard Africa’s Forests, Protect Local Land Rights

May 31, 2024

‍Africa’s forests and natural areas are an indispensable collective resource. Capably stewarded by the communities that have called these areas home for centuries, these forests can continue to ensure livelihoods while serving as a bulwark against climate change.

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Field Focus Blog

The Right to Steward: Protecting People and Planet in Asia’s Mangrove Forests

May 07, 2024

The lives of Chumpou Khmao’s residents are woven into the roots of their mangrove forests. With the support necessary to gain secure rights, they can steward their forests to flourish for generations.

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Field Focus Blog

Nature-based carbon offsetting project incentives: An unintended form of social harm?

December 04, 2023

Nature-based emission-reduction projects must ensure that their benefit sharing arrangements properly account for and transparently compensate local stakeholders for their labor and resources used in planting and managing trees.

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