Rachel McMonagle, Landesa’s climate change & land tenure specialist, discusses using land rights to adapt to climate change on Property Rights Research Consortium’s Land of a Billion podcast.
Rachel McMonagle, Landesa’s climate change & land tenure specialist, discusses using land rights to adapt to climate change on Property Rights Research Consortium’s Land of a Billion podcast.
Securing land rights for women digs down to the root of gender inequality; radically, quietly uprooting it, overturning it, elevating women toward equal legal personhood at household, community and societal levels.
Shipra Deo, Landesa’s director for women’s land rights in India, talks about the hurdles women face to owning land on the Land of a Billion podcast.
The future belongs to youth. But in many parts of the world, young women and men lack the means and the opportunity to build livelihoods and fully participate in their communities. This is especially true in rural areas, where agriculture is the foundation of the economy, but land rights remain out of reach.
Secure land rights are central to unlocking the potential of youth around the world; to activating a new generation of agricultural innovators and empowered young women.
LUI Che Woo Prize profiled Landesa’s work to secure land rights as a way to promote security and stability, especially in the upheaval resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic.
It is time to include equal inheritance for girls as an integral part of our solutions towards their equal self-worth, dignity and opportunity.
Shipra Deo outlines why it is time to include equal inheritance for girls as an integral part of our solutions towards their equal self-worth, dignity and opportunity.
Shipra Deo and Robert Mitchell summarize progress toward securing inheritance rights for women in India.
Learn more about our partnership with Rising Tide Foundation and Sanghas to create Sangha Service Centers, women-led business centers in West Bengal that help women update their land records to access agricultural services, improving yield & sustainable land management.