Press & MediaAfrica

Land rights for women flips the script of gendered power—it challenges patriarchy at its root, by fundamentally changing women’s economic, social, and political status. And key to climate action, research shows efforts to protect biodiversity and address climate change are more successful when women have strong land rights.

Land rights for women flips the script of gendered power—it challenges patriarchy at its root, by fundamentally changing women’s economic, social, and political status. And key to climate action, research shows efforts to protect biodiversity and address climate change are more successful when women have strong land rights.

After years of being denied the farmland she had inherited from her father, Jebbeh participated in a USAID and Landesa program that distributed Amplio Talking Books, simple hand-held audio players with messages in local languages that raise awareness of land rights. Through this program, Jebbeh gained the knowledge and confidence to assert her rights, and her brothers finally acknowledged her inheritance.