Achieving land rights for all ultimately requires laws, policies and practices to be improved and implemented on the ground and at scale. Landesa’s global advocacy aims to elevate the importance of land rights on the global agenda, and build a larger and better connected network of land rights champions.

Secure rights to land are at the center of global development, essential to solving many of the world’s most pressing challenges. Landesa believes that the enhanced status of land rights as a pressing global priority will provide decision-makers, in both the public and private sectors, with additional incentives, political space and financial resources to commit to securing land rights for all. By collaborating with other land rights champions, we can collectively influence these decision-makers to adopt and effectively implement pro-poor, gender-equitable land laws, policies, strategies and practices.

Explore our advocacy areas:


*Landesa serves as Secretariat of the Stand For Her Land Campaign, a global collaboration to secure women’s land rights through collective advocacy